27 Apr, 2024

Unmeasured nutrition and over exertion can cause cardiac arrest? Tips to protect your heart | Health

In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience often trumps health, the impact of unmeasured nutrition and over-exertion on our well-being cannot be overstated though we all know that diet and exercise play a crucial part in our heart’s health. Nutrition forms the foundation of our overall health, and when it is unmeasured or imbalanced, the consequences […]

7 mins read

AUT nutrition students take action against diabetes

The cause of diabetes has always been at the center of the nutrition program activities at AUT. For what ? “Because diabetes is more and more widespread in Lebanon and the country’s economic situation pushes a very large number of people to neglect their health, ignoring the disastrous consequences that this disease can cause,” says […]

6 mins read

Chef RICO®: first on dysphagia!

Dysphagia, a little-known consequence of ENT cancers Although relatively unknown, ENT cancers, head and neck cancers, nevertheless represent a real public health challenge. It is enough to look at their impact to be convinced of this. In fact, 14,000 new cases are diagnosed per year. This causes ENT cancers the fourth cause of cancer and […]

6 mins read

Is intermittent fasting dangerous?

More and more Belgians are turning to intermittent fasting to lose weight. But is intermittent fasting dangerous for your health? Anaïs Lecocq, dietitian and Delphine Blondel, graduate in public health and psychonutritionist answer our questions. Intermittent fasting is based on alternating periods of food intake and fasting. There are different methods, the best known of […]

6 mins read

What consumers think of this trend

Personalized nutrition has gained a huge amount of attention in recent years and has already proven to be hugely profitable for companies providing it as a service. In fact business intelligence platform, Statista, valued the global personalized nutrition market at an estimated 8.2 billion US dollars in 2020 and expects that to figure to double […]

7 mins read