Mental illnesses in employees: Mental health should not be taboo

Mental health is a blind spot in social debate. Mental illnesses among young people in particular have increased during the corona pandemic. Overall, the proportion of days missed due to psychological suffering has also increased. Data also shows that the mental health of many people in Germany has deteriorated significantly since 2016. But unlike physical […]

8 mins read

Mental illnesses cost the economy up to 42 billion euros a year

Health expert Mental illnesses cost the economy up to 42 billion euros a year Tuesday, 17.10.2023 | 10:19 Mental health problems? Not an issue for our team. Why this is often not true and why there is still an urgent need for discussion about openly dealing with stress, anxiety, burnout and depression in the workplace. […]

8 mins read

Therapist wants more education on mental health

KNA: Your book is divided into three parts: depression, anxiety disorders and addiction. Why these three areas in particular? Franca Cerutti (psychotherapist, podcaster and author): These are the three most common mental illnesses that we have to deal with in Germany. Alcohol and drug addiction in particular are things that many people are less aware […]

9 mins read

“Not talking to anyone is the biggest mistake”

If you read through current surveys of trainee teachers from Magdeburg, Berlin and Hanover, you get the impression that many trainee teachers are affected by psychological and time-related stress during their traineeship. The course of study does not prepare students enough for the challenges of school practice, is too exam-heavy, is not very pedagogical and […]

13 mins read

International Forum on Health Investments in Central Asia

Poland has recently implemented the WHO Mental Health Gaps Action Programme (mhGAP), an evidence-based approach to scaling up mental health care capacities and services, as part of its National Health Programme, taking a significant step towards better addressing the unmet mental health needs of its population. Poland has recently implemented the WHO Mental Health Gaps […]

7 mins read

“Giving mental health the attention it deserves” – Poland uses WHO tool to better address mental health needs

Poland recently implemented the WHO Mental Health Gaps Action Programme (mhGAP), an evidence-based approach to scaling up mental health care capacities and services, as part of its National Health Programme, taking a significant step towards better addressing the unmet mental health needs of its population. Poland has recently implemented the WHO Mental Health Gaps Action […]

7 mins read

World Mental Health Day: Why we should take our mental health seriously

The stigma of mental illness in society is decreasing. Nevertheless, far too many people are still content with their mental suffering instead of taking action. An appeal for a rethink. “How are you?” Most of the time, when there is no obvious – physical – suffering, we answer this question with a simple “fine”. A […]

8 mins read

Crises and fear of the future: How we strengthen our resilience | – Guide

Status: 10.10.2023 12:18 p.m. Corona, the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis and most recently the attack on Israel: the constant crises scare many people. By strengthening our resilience, we can deal with them better. Tips from the expert. There was a time when bad news might shock us, but rarely affected us directly. That […]

10 mins read