27 Apr, 2024

what is it for and how much does it cost? Aide-Sociale.fr

By Frederique / Updated December 29, 2023 Since 2016, all companies have been required to offer complementary health insurance to their employees. If they feel that they are not sufficiently covered, they can take out additional health insurance. This coverage reinforces reimbursements from the CPAM and their traditional mutual insurance contract. This is therefore a […]

12 mins read

you are more of a victim of cognitive biases if you believe in them!

According to a recent study, there is a correlation between belief in alternative medicine and being susceptible to causal delusions. Health is a subject that concerns us all. This is an area where most people rely on their personal experience or that of their friends to know whether a treatment is effective or not. However, […]

7 mins read

Could the future anti-sectarian aberrations law muzzle scientific debate and the freedoms of patients and doctors?

On December 19, a text of law aimed at “ strengthen the fight against sectarian aberrations » was discussed in the National Assembly. Very oriented around health, the latter proposes to penalize provocation to abandon care, and to facilitate disciplinary sanctions for professionals. In a global context of tension around complementary and natural therapies, this […]

9 mins read

Peer assistance in psychiatry: from the hassle to the HAS…

In an “Open Letter” addressed to the President of the High Authority for Health (HAS), three renowned psychiatrists, regularly involved in the work of the HAS, reject the inclusion of peer assistance in a recommendation. Associations and psychiatrists involved in recovery are outraged and recall the need to stay in step with developments on the […]

7 mins read

Taylor Swift reveals her fitness routine for her “Eras Tour”, and the least we can say is that it’s intense

How does Taylor Swift stay in shape enough to perform for 3 hours straight at each of her concerts dedicated to her “The Eras Tour” knowing that she must give no less than 130 around the world ( including May 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2024 in Paris)? The answer to this question, the main […]

6 mins read

“Psychiatric failure”: no to amalgamations and demagoguery!

Actors in public psychiatry denounce the comments of the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, evoking a “psychiatric failure” following the terrorist attack of December 2. The term “failure” used is both improper and disqualifying and in no way corresponds to the situation in question. Communicated. The amalgamation between psychiatric disorders and criminological dangerousness linked […]

5 mins read

Liver detox: how to take a natural cure and drain your liver naturally?

SUMMARY : What is the liver and what is its role? Belonging to the digestive system, the liver is the largest organ providing crucial functions for the body. Located in the abdominal cavity and partially protected by the ribs, the liver has several roles. It filters the blood of impurities and is responsible for transforming […]

10 mins read