27 Apr, 2024

Unmeasured nutrition and over exertion can cause cardiac arrest? Tips to protect your heart | Health

In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience often trumps health, the impact of unmeasured nutrition and over-exertion on our well-being cannot be overstated though we all know that diet and exercise play a crucial part in our heart’s health. Nutrition forms the foundation of our overall health, and when it is unmeasured or imbalanced, the consequences […]

7 mins read

Mental health: The danger of random diagnoses

Lpsychiatric terms such as “bipolar”, “narcissistic pervert”, “paranoid”, “schizophrenic”, “depressive”, etc. are no longer confined to specialists’ offices alone. They invite themselves into televised debates and proliferate in displays, sometimes even more than in mental health institutions. They are even trivialized in private discussions. On the Internet, it’s a real tidal wave: articles and videos […]

10 mins read

“The services of advanced practice nurses have proven their effectiveness! »

On June 14, Hélène Salette, nurse and Director General of the International Secretariat of Nurses of the Francophone Space (Sidiief) is invited, as a keynote speaker, to the 3rd IPA conference “Integration of evidence into clinical decision-making: from research to reality” organized by the GHU Paris Psychiatry and Neurosciences. Interview on the challenges of implementing […]

9 mins read

Fitness, a business in great shape

Alongside dumbbells and treadmills, brands of protein smoothies, colorful leggings and low-cut swimsuits. On the Instagram pages of sports influencers, physical activity and business intertwine. A mix of genres that doesn’t beat around the bush: after exercise advice for “shy girls, beginners or those who train at home”, Alaïa Hennequin, followed by 269,000 people on […]

10 mins read

by adopting this new habit, you will definitely boost your mental health

We share with you a habit to adopt without delay, that of the meaning tracker, which can help boost your mental health. Meaning tracker: by adopting this new habit, you will definitely boost your mental health Mental health is essential. We sometimes tend to neglect it behind our physical well-being. However, everything is linked. It’s […]

8 mins read

AUT nutrition students take action against diabetes

The cause of diabetes has always been at the center of the nutrition program activities at AUT. For what ? “Because diabetes is more and more widespread in Lebanon and the country’s economic situation pushes a very large number of people to neglect their health, ignoring the disastrous consequences that this disease can cause,” says […]

6 mins read