27 Apr, 2024

Mental health: The danger of random diagnoses

Lpsychiatric terms such as “bipolar”, “narcissistic pervert”, “paranoid”, “schizophrenic”, “depressive”, etc. are no longer confined to specialists’ offices alone. They invite themselves into televised debates and proliferate in displays, sometimes even more than in mental health institutions. They are even trivialized in private discussions. On the Internet, it’s a real tidal wave: articles and videos […]

10 mins read

“The services of advanced practice nurses have proven their effectiveness! »

On June 14, Hélène Salette, nurse and Director General of the International Secretariat of Nurses of the Francophone Space (Sidiief) is invited, as a keynote speaker, to the 3rd IPA conference “Integration of evidence into clinical decision-making: from research to reality” organized by the GHU Paris Psychiatry and Neurosciences. Interview on the challenges of implementing […]

9 mins read

by adopting this new habit, you will definitely boost your mental health

We share with you a habit to adopt without delay, that of the meaning tracker, which can help boost your mental health. Meaning tracker: by adopting this new habit, you will definitely boost your mental health Mental health is essential. We sometimes tend to neglect it behind our physical well-being. However, everything is linked. It’s […]

8 mins read

“I am distraught by the number of patients who cannot find a psychiatrist” (Dr. M. Carlene)

I am a psychiatrist at the Verviers Mental Health Service. I will be 65 in three months and I am distraught by the number of daily calls from patients who cannot find a psychiatrist. There is a year-long wait to get an appointment. On the ground, it seems to me that acts of violence are […]

8 mins read

The Academy of Medicine questions “irrationality” in care

While the attraction of patients for care based on non-scientific concepts seems more and more important, a report from the National Academy of Medicine makes several recommendations in terms of training future doctors in the therapeutic and combat alliance against “false information” A significant number of people are turning to unconventional therapies, sometimes to the […]

5 mins read

Diagnostic error in psychiatry: seeing your life in a distorting mirror – rts.ch

While at least one in two people will face psychological difficulties at least once in their life, knowing the name of the disorder is useful and relieving. But an incorrect or incomplete diagnosis can be counterproductive, as Christina* describes in the Dingue podcast. Christina knows that, since her birth, her behavior has been considered atypical: […]

8 mins read

Promoting mental health at work: an imperative for 2024

Mental health at work is a crucial issue. Encouraging open communication, supporting work-life balance, and integrating mental health into company culture are key practices. Leaders have a major role to play. By innovating with technology and personalizing using data, it is possible to democratize access to mental health resources, offering significant benefits both for employees […]

6 mins read