Lea Feder reveals how the physical and mental vitality of the managing director increases sales

Taufkirchen. Physical and mental health form the basis for performance and productivity. Physical and mental health form the basis for performance and productivity. It should be a duty for busy managers in particular to lead a healthy life and avoid sources of stress – in reality, however, the opposite is often the order of the […]

8 mins read

Why mental health needs more support now

The aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, recent wars, inflation and the climate crisis have led to an increase in mental illnesses. The government has already implemented some reforms to improve mental health in recent years. Nevertheless, there is still a lot to be done. The Professional Association of Austrian Psychologists (BÖP) and the Austrian Federal […]

8 mins read

Election of Commission President – Something for everyone: Von der Leyen’s plans for a second term – Politics

Strasbourg (dpa) – What will Ursula von der Leyen do if she gets a second term as President of the powerful EU Commission? Shortly before the all-important election in the European Parliament, the top German politician made her plans for the next five years public and explained them in a speech to the members of […]

10 mins read

Election of Commission President: Something for everyone: Von der Leyen’s plans for second term

E-fuels, three times as many border guards and a European air defence system: Ursula von der Leyen has many plans for her second term in office. Can she use these to convince the MPs to run for re-election? What will Ursula von der Leyen do if she gets a second term as President of the […]

9 mins read

Tip of the week: Invest in training | Personnel

Whether it’s legal innovations, HR strategies for times of crisis or management issues: every week the online editorial team gives HR professionals and managers new incentives with a practical tip. Today with tips on how to really make junior employees fit for the future. Tip from Daniela Furkel, editor specializing in training & recruiting Invest […]

12 mins read

This is what employees think about their work and their health | Occupational safety

Personal services represent very different professions, including nursing and teaching. But what are their common work characteristics and how do employees in these sectors rate their health and job satisfaction? A study by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) has analyzed the most important surveys of recent years and has now presented […]

7 mins read