Why mental health needs more support now

The aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, recent wars, inflation and the climate crisis have led to an increase in mental illnesses. The government has already implemented some reforms to improve mental health in recent years. Nevertheless, there is still a lot to be done. The Professional Association of Austrian Psychologists (BÖP) and the Austrian Federal […]

8 mins read

This is what employees think about their work and their health | Occupational safety

Personal services represent very different professions, including nursing and teaching. But what are their common work characteristics and how do employees in these sectors rate their health and job satisfaction? A study by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) has analyzed the most important surveys of recent years and has now presented […]

7 mins read

Republicans demand health certificate from Biden

Home page politics Was standing: 08.07.2024, 13:59 PressSplit The pressure on US President Biden is growing after his blunders in the election campaign. The Republicans in Congress now also want to question his personal physician. Washington, DC – House Republicans on Sunday demanded that President Biden’s personal physician explain whether he can provide “accurate and […]

7 mins read

Sugar tax on soft drinks: What the measure could achieve – Health

At their recent conference, the consumer protection ministers from nine federal states spoke out in favor of a measure that professional associations in Germany have long been calling for: introducing a tax on sugary soft drinks in order to reduce their consumption. The World Health Organization (WHO) also strongly recommends taxes or similar levies on […]

9 mins read

AI in the fitness, sports and health industry: Current application examples

The importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the fitness and health industry cannot be overstated in today’s digital age. AI technologies have ushered in a new era of personalized care and make it possible to collect, analyze and interpret huge amounts of data. Artificial intelligence is being used in the fitness and health industry by […]

10 mins read