27 Apr, 2024

A plant, therapies

SUMMARY What is herbal medicine? What is aromatherapy? What is gemmotherapy? What is hydrolatherapy? What are Bach flowers? What is homeopathy? Who can prescribe plants for me? Our expert What is herbal medicine? Known since Antiquity, it offers different therapies exploiting the properties of medicinal plants whose powerful active ingredients act on inconveniences as diverse […]

8 mins read

Maybe a midwife performs acupuncture?

An ancestral know-how, acupuncture is more than 2,000 years old. Known to relieve many disorders, it is often used during pregnancy to help future mothers. In addition, many medications being prohibited once pregnant, more and more pregnant women are turning to midwives who have made acupuncture their specialty. Acupuncture: what is it? Acupuncture is traditional […]

9 mins read

Nutrition and osteoporosis: first French recommendations

Summary THE Mediterranean dietof the high quality protein (1-1.2 g/kg/d) and calcium (2-3 dairy products/j) are recommended. Unbalanced Western diets, vegan (vegan), and low-calorie diets in non-obese people are not recommended. They require, where applicable, the calculation of daily calcium intake and supplementation if necessary. Coffee (3 cups per day) and tea do not seem […]

12 mins read

Supervised consumption sites privately staffed by nurses in Montreal

MONTREAL — Six years after the opening of supervised consumption sites in the metropolis, and while a serious overdose crisis continues to claim thousands of victims across the country, the lack of nurses is seriously affecting the effectiveness of these services essential in harm reduction. According to data from the overdose monitoring of the Montreal […]

7 mins read

is hypnosis effective?

SUMMARY What is medical hypnosis? How does a medical hypnosis session take place? Is medical hypnosis effective for chronic pain? Is this lasting relief? Can you do hypnosis alone? What are the recommendations to avoid unpleasant mishaps? Back pain that prevents you from returning to sport, osteoarthritis that prevents you from carrying your grandson, neuralgia […]

8 mins read

The gyms of the future: how Fitness Park adapts to technology?

Number 1 gym in France, Fitness Park has a total of 270 gyms in Europe, for 1 million members. In Saint-Ouen, he installed a high-end room, in which he experiments with different innovations. In the age of sports at home (streaming classes, video game accessories, specialized influencers, etc.), do fitness centers need to reinvent themselves? […]

11 mins read