27 Apr, 2024

Alternative medicine, alternative therapies… Beware of sectarian excesses

Naturopathy, kinesiology, reiki… “These unconventional therapies, as opposed to those taught in medical school, are more and more numerous,” note Alexandra Delbot and Florian Gouthière, two scientific journalists who have just published Alternative and complementary medicines. What works? (The arenas). These so-called gentle practices are not always supervised (lack of common training and recognized diploma) […]

6 mins read

Reflexology, sophrology, visualization…: 4 exercises to combat stress

In just a few years, stress has made a place for itself alongside us, more and more every day, to the point of seriously poisoning our daily lives. How to resist him? How to overcome the nervous wear and tear of an ever more stressful life? Through prevention and action, better than with medication! Are […]

8 mins read

Elodie, naturopath and reflexologist to provide “all the well-being possible” around her

Elodie Vouaux is a young 25-year-old naturopath, established last year in Poulangy. Dynamic and motivated, the young woman with a degree in naturopathy also offers reflexology sessions. Encounter. Daily Jhm : why did you choose to devote yourself to naturopathy? Elodie Vouaux: after my scientific baccalaureate, I obtained a university degree in agri-food biology in […]

6 mins read

Homeopathy: preferred homeopathic treatments for stress

Natural alternative medicine, homeopathy can be effective against stress. Placebo effect or not, it in any case has the advantage of being applicable to everyone, at all ages and without risk. So there’s no harm in trying it to relax… The founding father of homeopathy is a German, the doctor Samuel Hahnemann. Quickly disappointed by […]

6 mins read

For a softer health budget – Plantes et Santé

In this context of inflation, health expenses weigh more and more heavily on a daily basis. Already, health insurance does not cover any plant-based food supplements. And since January 1, 2021, even homeopathic medicines are no longer reimbursed. Françoise Couic-Marinier, doctor of pharmacy and specialist in essential oils, has worked in pharmacies for thirty years […]

8 mins read

Mutual insurance and alternative medicine: how does it work?

How are alternative medicines covered by Social Security? What is alternative medicine? Let her be called alternative medicine, alternative medicine, natural medicine, complementary medicinealternative medicine, unconventional medicine or even non-traditional medicine, it is the same thing. Alternative medicine designates a practice, a technique not approved. Some diplomas are recognized by the State and others mainly […]

7 mins read

Urinary infection: pain, itching, burning… what to do?

UTI can affect the kidneys, urethra, bladder, prostate and ureters. This disease causes pain and burning sensations when urinating and can be accompanied by abdominal pain and fever. While this disease can affect both women and men, women are more prone to it because their urethra is shorter…thus making it easier for bacteria to enter […]

7 mins read

“Our practices do not replace medicine”: the boom in alternative therapies

57% of French people consider that alternative therapies are as effective as traditional medicine. The techniques are varied, but all bring well-being and relieve pain. However, we must be vigilant in the face of the sectarian excesses of certain professionals. Follow the full coverage Good in his body, good in his head Acupuncture, naturopathy, sophrology… […]

6 mins read

“Our practices do not replace medicine”: the boom in alternative therapies

57% of French people consider that alternative therapies are as effective as traditional medicine. The techniques are varied, but all bring well-being and relieve pain. However, we must be vigilant in the face of the sectarian excesses of certain professionals. Follow the full coverage Good in his body, good in his head Acupuncture, naturopathy, sophrology… […]

6 mins read