Obesity and depression: Doctors find genetic connection – Genetic defect causes obesity and postpartum depression

Two diseases, one cause: Changes in the so-called TRPC5 gene can cause obesity and depression in mothers after birth, as doctors have discovered. Both diseases are therefore caused by neurological disorders in the brain that are caused by this genetic defect. Gene therapy or drug treatments could provide relief in both cases in the future. […]

8 mins read

Washington University School of Medicine Researchers Find Accelerated Aging May be Contributing to an Increase in Early-onset Cancers among Young People

More research into accelerated aging may lead to new clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology testing biomarkers for early-onset cancer Could accelerated aging be contributing to the rise in early-onset cancer rates among younger individuals? A recent study conducted at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSTL) claims the condition may be partially […]

8 mins read

Find the optimal pulse range

Home page Life fitness Was standing: May 13, 2024, 5:04 p.m From: Alexandra Grauvogl PressSplit At the right intensity, hiking has numerous health benefits. You can use your pulse to see whether you are under- or over-challenging yourself. © IMAGO / Zoonar II The correct heart rate range when hiking determines positive effects on health […]

10 mins read

Longevity: You can find these 3 foods in every supermarket

Dan Buettner suggests avoiding supplements and using walnuts instead.Getty Images / DanBuettner.com Blue Zones researcher Dan Buettner considers some foods to be “powerful complements” for longevity. Beans are rich in fiber and protein and have been linked to longer life expectancy among older people worldwide. Walnuts are one of the few tree nuts with high […]

7 mins read

Many people find loneliness a psychological burden

October 10, 2023, 5:00 a.m More than a quarter of MDRfragt participants who pay attention to their mental health find the feeling of loneliness to be a psychological burden. This is particularly the case among the youngest respondents. From the perspective of the survey participants, stress, fears and high pressure of expectations have the greatest […]

13 mins read