Depression and anxiety among students: Kiel students help | – News

Status: 29.05.2024 05:00 a.m. A team of 35 psychology students from Kiel offers workshops on mental health in schools. Their goal is to destigmatize mental disorders and show students where they can find help when they are not feeling well. by Lisa Pandelaki Toleen Nachtigall only completed her high school diploma last year at the […]

9 mins read

Washington University School of Medicine Researchers Find Accelerated Aging May be Contributing to an Increase in Early-onset Cancers among Young People

More research into accelerated aging may lead to new clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology testing biomarkers for early-onset cancer Could accelerated aging be contributing to the rise in early-onset cancer rates among younger individuals? A recent study conducted at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSTL) claims the condition may be partially […]

8 mins read

Mental illnesses among young people in Lower Saxony remain at a high level

Mental illnesses among children and adolescents in Lower Saxony are stabilizing at a high level despite declines. After increases since the corona pandemic, there were declines in the number of outpatient and inpatient treatments for adolescent girls in 2022 compared to 2021. Nevertheless, utilization is still higher than before the corona pandemic. This is the […]

9 mins read