Tablets or diet? What lowers high cholesterol levels

Cholesterol – most people probably associate something negative with this term. But the substance is important for various functions in the body. For example, it plays a role in the stability of cells, hormone production and brain function. But not all cholesterol is the same: a distinction is made between “good” HDL cholesterol and “bad” […]

8 mins read

Nursing care insurance: Burden of co-payments for inpatient care rises to new high – Sectors

The co-payments for nursing home places continue to rise. The personal contribution for accommodation in a nursing home is now an average of 3,123 euros (without subsidy). With the performance supplement introduced in 2022, seniors still had to contribute an average of 2,871 euros per month towards their nursing home place. Around 4.875 million people […]

9 mins read

Lower cholesterol: 5 misconceptions and many tips – What you can do yourself if your cholesterol level is too high

Misconception 1: If you have high cholesterol, you shouldn’t eat fat or eggs Fortunately, this is not true. There are even fatty foods like nuts that can help lower cholesterol levels. That’s why former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his wife have nuts on their breakfast table every day! Other foods – such as toast or […]

9 mins read

Lower cholesterol: Five misconceptions and many tips – What you can do yourself if your cholesterol level is too high

Misconception 1: If you have high cholesterol, you shouldn’t eat fat or eggs Fortunately, this is not true. There are even fatty foods like nuts that can help lower cholesterol levels. That’s why former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his wife have nuts on their breakfast table every day! Other foods – such as toast or […]

9 mins read

Lower cholesterol: Five misconceptions and many tips – What you can do yourself if your cholesterol level is too high

Misconception 1: If you have high cholesterol, you shouldn’t eat fat or eggs Fortunately, this is not true. There are even fatty foods like nuts that can help lower cholesterol levels. That’s why former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his wife have nuts on their breakfast table every day! Other foods – such as toast or […]

9 mins read

Lower cholesterol: 5 misconceptions and many tips – What you can do yourself if your cholesterol level is too high

Misconception 1: If you have high cholesterol, you shouldn’t eat fat or eggs Fortunately, this is not true. There are even fatty foods like nuts that can help lower cholesterol levels. That’s why former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his wife have nuts on their breakfast table every day! Other foods – such as toast or […]

9 mins read

Lower cholesterol: Five misconceptions and many tips – What you can do yourself if your cholesterol level is too high

Misconception 1: If you have high cholesterol, you shouldn’t eat fat or eggs Fortunately, this is not true. There are even fatty foods like nuts that can help lower cholesterol levels. That’s why former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his wife have nuts on their breakfast table every day! Other foods – such as toast or […]

9 mins read

Lower cholesterol: 5 misconceptions and tips – What you can do yourself if your cholesterol level is too high

Misconception 1: If you have high cholesterol, you shouldn’t eat fat or eggs Fortunately, this is not true. There are even fatty foods like nuts that can help lower cholesterol levels. That’s why former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his wife have nuts on their breakfast table every day! Other foods – such as toast or […]

9 mins read

Lower cholesterol: 5 misconceptions and tips – What you can do yourself if your cholesterol level is too high

Misconception 1: If you have high cholesterol, you shouldn’t eat fat or eggs Fortunately, this is not true. There are even fatty foods like nuts that can help lower cholesterol levels. That’s why former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his wife have nuts on their breakfast table every day! Other foods – such as toast or […]

9 mins read

Lower cholesterol: Five misconceptions and tips – What you can do yourself if your cholesterol level is too high

Misconception 1: If you have high cholesterol, you shouldn’t eat fat or eggs Fortunately, this is not true. There are even fatty foods like nuts that can help lower cholesterol levels. That’s why former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his wife have nuts on their breakfast table every day! Other foods – such as toast or […]

9 mins read