Midlife crisis: How to recognize that you have one and its consequences

Men are more likely to compensate for psychological problems by drinking alcohol or exercising excessively. But clichés are also omnipresent, such as buying an expensive car.picture alliance / dpa-mag | Sebastian Knoth Taking stock of one’s life in the middle of it all leads to uncertainty and resentment for many people. This so-called “midlife crisis” […]

8 mins read

Latvia has no medicine supply system in case of war or crisis / Article

While Estonia has had a stockpile model in place for a year, adapted from Finland, Latvia hopes to start stockpiling medicines for general use only next year. Why does Latvia not have a stock of medicines for emergencies? When will the necessary stocks be ready? Ukrainian pharmacist’s experience “My life before the war was my […]

13 mins read

“Unprecedented stress”: Founders suffer from mental crisis

Many founders are suffering: their stress levels are rising due to a lack of investor money. And although “panicked founders” are not an exception, many suffer on their own. The current financial situation increases the already high pressure on startup foundersiStock; Rebeca Zisser/Insider A funding backlog in the early stages. A closed window for IPOs. […]

5 mins read