I lost 20 kilos with these protein recipes

Bethany Dobson creates low-calorie, high-protein meals.Georgie Glass Bethany Dobson lost 20 kilos after focusing on diet and strength training. Dobson’s new understanding of calories and protein helped her prepare new versions of her favorite foods. She shared her pizza, cheeseburger and brownie recipes with Business Insider. This is a machine translation of an article […]

7 mins read

Protein salad: 5 protein-rich recipes | MEN’S HEALTH

While the obligatory chicken with rice is on the diet of many strength athletes almost every day, vegetables – and especially salad – are often neglected. And that is problematic for two reasons: Firstly, it makes your diet monotonous and not very varied. And what about the micronutrients? Which brings us to the second problem: […]

9 mins read