How do you become smarter?  10 clever tips for your mental fitness
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How do you become smarter? 10 clever tips for your mental fitness

In a world that is overflowing with information, we are constantly looking for the next aha moment: smart decisions, quick thinking and a broad wealth of knowledge are our constant companions. But honestly, how do you actually get smarter? It’s not just a matter of the knowledge you accumulate, but also how you strengthen your mind and optimize your learning methods. In this article you will learn how to get your brain in top shape and become smarter with clever tips and techniques – step by step.

1. The power of sleep

A good night’s sleep is the secret superstar for your brain. While you relax at night, the important processes take place in your head that will make you fit and mentally alert again the next day. The deep sleep phase in particular is a little magic trick, because this is where your brain processes the day’s information and stores it for the long term. In this way, new impressions and knowledge are firmly anchored. At the same time, your mind regenerates so that you are energized in the morning and ready to tackle the day and take on new learning material. If you get enough sleep at night, you will promote your concentration, creativity and decision-making skills – and make your brain fit for any challenge!

2. Targeted breaks for the mind

Short, conscious breaks are a real blessing for your mind. They give you the opportunity to clear your head for a moment and then carry on with renewed energy. A walk in the countryside can work wonders because the fresh air and connection to nature allow your thoughts to flow freely. A few stretching exercises or a short power nap are also effective ways to get back to work with full focus and creativity. These little relaxation sessions increase your productivity, help you develop fresh ideas and protect you from mental exhaustion. Breaks are not a luxury – they are a must to stay clear and focused!

3. Exercise stimulates the brain

Regular exercise is like a natural drug for your brain. Sport and physical activity release endorphins, which act as natural mood enhancers. At the same time, exercise increases the oxygen supply to your brain, which revs up your mental performance. Even a daily walk or a short yoga session can help strengthen your cognitive skills and sharpen your focus. Whether you’re jogging, dancing, or just walking around the block, exercise will help you think more clearly, lift your mood, and get your creativity flowing!

4. Nutrition and mental fitness

Your thinking performance is closely linked to what ends up on your plate. Certain foods, such as fish, nuts, fruits and green vegetables, are treasures for mental health. They provide essential nutrients that the brain needs for peak performance. Pay special attention to incorporating omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins into your daily diet. Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel, support brain function.

Antioxidants, which are abundant in berries and dark leafy vegetables, protect the brain from oxidative stress. Vitamins, such as vitamin B12, which is found in eggs and dairy products, are important for the concentration and maintenance of nerve cells. With a balanced diet you feed your brain what it needs to work efficiently, think clearly and keep you mentally fit!

5. Meditation and mindfulness

Meditation is a powerful tool to reduce stress and focus on the here and now. When you meditate daily, you learn to calm your mind and focus your attention on the moment. Through this mindfulness practice, you leave the hectic pace of everyday life behind you, which leads to greater inner peace and helps you think more creatively and clearly. Studies have shown that regular meditation improves memory and promotes creative thinking. It’s a simple but powerful way to bring your mind a little more into harmony every day. Even if you only invest a few minutes a day, you will soon notice the positive effects on your concentration, productivity and general well-being.

6. The power of reading

Reading is like a key that opens new worlds and perspectives. It broadens your horizons, sharpens your understanding of different perspectives and improves your imagination. Whether you’re immersed in a novel, studying a non-fiction book, or combing through professional articles, regular exposure to new ideas and information keeps your mind alert and inspired. Not only will you expand your knowledge, but you will also train your cognitive skills by internalizing words, concepts and connections. Reading is a journey that always provides you with fresh ideas and encourages you to stay curious and discover new things.

7. Learn new skills

Learning new things is one of the best ways to keep your brain fit and in shape. Whether it’s a new language, a musical instrument, or a creative activity, every new challenge allows your brain to grow and develop. This form of learning promotes the formation of new neural connections, improves cognitive skills and increases problem-solving skills. If you continually set yourself new learning goals, you will remain mentally flexible and adaptable. Continuously learning new skills not only keeps the mind young, but also ensures broader knowledge and greater self-confidence. Get inspired and find a new skill that excites you – your brain will thank you!

8. Strengthen social contacts

Social contacts are an invaluable key to a clear mind. People who engage in friendships, discussion groups, or group activities not only remain more emotionally stable, but also benefit from the exchange of new ideas. Conversations and interactions stimulate the brain, promote creative thinking and expand your knowledge. Be it through joint activities or intensive conversations – social contacts offer you new perspectives, provide mental stimulation and keep you mentally flexible. Being in a network where you are supported and challenged will help you feel better overall and keep your mind in top shape.

9. Puzzles and brain teasers

Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, chess or logic puzzles – all of these challenges are more than just entertaining pastimes. They are effective brain training sessions that increase your problem-solving skills and sharpen your thinking. By regularly solving such puzzles, you train your brain to recognize complex patterns, make connections and find creative solutions. Daily brain teasers promote cognitive retention, increase mental flexibility and are also a lot of fun. This is how you keep your mind at its best, stay curious and always have a sharp memory!

10. Online courses and lectures

In a time where knowledge is just a click away, online courses, webinars and lectures provide an invaluable opportunity for upskilling. Whether you want to learn a new skill or delve deeper into a specific subject area, the wealth of digital learning opportunities allows you to learn at your own pace and at flexible times. Choose topics that really interest you and rediscover the joy of lifelong learning. The digital world opens doors to new ideas, allows you to get in touch with experts and always stay up to date. With just a few mouse clicks you can expand your knowledge and take the first step on an exciting, new journey of knowledge. A first port of call, for example, is the edX portal, where you can view a variety of online courses from renowned universities around the world.

FAQ – how do you become smarter?

Is there an optimal time of day to study?
Many people prefer the morning because they feel rested and fresh after sleep, and there are no distractions from everyday tasks. However, others find the evening is best when they end the day in peace and are more relaxed. Try different times to find what works for you.

How long should I meditate daily to see results?
Just five minutes of meditation per day can have a noticeable effect on your well-being and concentration. As you practice, you can increase the duration and find how long meditation works best for you.

Are nutritional supplements useful?
A balanced diet usually provides the nutrients you need for a healthy mind. However, nutritional supplements can be useful in certain situations. It is advisable to speak to a doctor to find out if you have an increased need.

Which exercises help with mental blocks?
If you have mental blocks, it can be helpful to get up and take a short break. A walk, stretching exercises or deep breathing can help clear your head. Puzzles, brain teasers or brainstorming can also create new perspectives.

How do I stay motivated to learn new things?
Set clear and achievable goals and celebrate every little progress. Create a comfortable learning environment in which you feel comfortable and combine learning with a reward, such as a cup of tea or a favorite snack. A learning partner can also have a motivating effect.

Are online courses as effective as traditional seminars?
Online courses can be just as effective as traditional seminars, as long as they are high quality and you are committed. They also offer the flexibility to learn at your own pace and apply the knowledge immediately.

Our conclusion

Becoming smarter requires not only a willingness to gather new information, but also to keep the mind healthy and active. From a balanced diet to regular exercise to targeted learning methods, all of these tips will help you become mentally fitter and smarter. Adopt this holistic approach and enjoy your growth in knowledge!

Photo: BalanceFormCreative /

Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker, Ph.D.
“Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment—and Your Life” by Jon Kabat-Zinn
“Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food” by Eva Selhub MD.

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