Train muscles and lose fat: tips from an expert
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Train muscles and lose fat: tips from an expert

It sounds strange, but tacos, flatbreads and burritos are great for a balanced diet.

It sounds strange, but tacos, flatbreads and burritos are great for a balanced diet.

A 29-year-old American does sports every day and eats a lot of carbohydrates. At Business Insider, nutritionist Jaclyn London reveals how he can improve his diet.

London recommends a rich breakfast consisting of yogurt, nuts and fruit to help build muscles.

Sweet snacks are also okay, although she particularly recommends fruits and also refers to vegetables.

This is a machine translation of an article from our US colleagues at Business Insider. It was automatically translated and checked by a real editor.

The 29-year-old American Ian follows an extremely ambitious training plan to lose fat and build strength: During the week he goes to the gym every day, and every other week he even works out twice a day. He takes three to four kilometer walks during his lunch breaks at work. On Wednesdays, he takes a break from his regular schedule, goes swimming in the evening and otherwise focuses on stretching and recovering.

On the weekends, he has another active recovery day where he swims laps, runs on an incline treadmill, or rides a stationary bike. One evening a week is set aside for his water polo training. And Ian has started incorporating more running, swimming and cycling into his training in preparation for his first sprint triathlon. When Ian began his daily workouts on February 1st, he weighed 200 pounds.

“I don’t necessarily want to look big, but I want my muscles to develop a dense and strong aesthetic. I signed up for the sprint triathlon in June, which I want to win in my age group,” he tells our colleagues at Business Insider US (BI). In a current issue of their regular Nutrition Clinic section, he presents his nutrition and training habits. Nutritionist Jaclyn London then analyzes and classifies his routine.

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She makes it clear that it’s good that Ian eats a lot of protein. But because of his extremely high activity level, she said, he would likely benefit from eating more carbohydrates and fats to ensure he gets enough calories – even if he wants to lose fat. London says it’s also important for him to get enough rest to achieve his goals.

A rich breakfast is important for building muscle

Ian trains at five in the morning and then drinks a protein shake with a portion of greens powder. He doesn’t usually eat much breakfast, but eats three or four strawberries with a tablespoon of non-fat Greek yogurt until 9 a.m., he says.

London says it’s important to eat protein after training and throughout the day to help muscles recover. She suggests mixing the protein powder with two percent milk, a banana, and some nut butter for extra calories and nutrients.

For the second part of breakfast, London recommends a larger portion. “I would choose a whole or two percent unsweetened Greek yogurt. “It maximizes protein content and provides some filling dietary fat without excess calories from added sugars like those found in sweetened versions,” she said.

London advises garnishing the yogurt with more fruit, chopped nuts and seeds to help Ian feel happier, more alert and energized so he can push forward with his training. “Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables helps Ian’s body function optimally,” she says.

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Eat lots of carbohydrates

Most days, Ian eats the same prepared lunch and dinner: grass-fed ground beef or bison cooked with peppers, onions, diced tomatoes, green chiles, spinach and eggs. “Sometimes I add brown rice, but I avoid carbs,” says Ian. He adds a large portion of fat-free Greek yogurt and some low-fat grated Mexican cheese. Ian says his portions are probably a little too low in calories, but he’s trying to lose fat.

A burrito bowl is a high-energy meal.

A burrito bowl is a high-energy meal.
Maria Siurtukova

London says it’s great that it’s a high protein meal and Greek yogurt is a good substitute for sour cream, but Ian needs more complex carbohydrates.

“Adding half a baked potato or a sweet potato to this mix would help Ian feel more energetic and aid muscle recovery,” she says. “Eating carbohydrates along with protein is important, especially after exercise. Carbohydrates serve as a transport system for amino acids to muscle tissue.” Beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas also provide carbohydrates as well as fiber and vegetable protein, she says.

Eat oily fish

When Ian isn’t making his instant beef meal, he eats out one to three times most weeks. At home he often drinks a protein shake with dinner.

According to London, Ian would probably benefit from including seafood in his diet. “Yes, Ian gets omega-3 fatty acids from grass-fed beef. But the best source of these important nutrients for muscle recovery and reducing inflammation is fatty fish,” she says. Examples include salmon, tuna, whitefish, black cod, perch, sardines and mackerel.

London recommended that Ian slightly vary his meals, such as making a burrito bowl or using different vegetables and serving with tacos or toast. This allows him to ensure that he consumes a variety of foods and nutrients. “If he doesn’t like the protein shake, it may not be necessary every day. “Especially when we have structured breakfast, lunch and snacks so that they are a little more filling and contain a source of protein.”

Fruit and vegetables are delicious, easy and healthy snacks

If he’s hungry between lunch and dinner, Ian eats an RX protein bar. In the evening he might eat a bag of buttered popcorn from the microwave at the cinema. “It’s the unhealthiest thing I eat, but I love popcorn,” he explains.

London says RX bars are a good choice because they aren’t overly processed. However, she is convinced that Ian could benefit from eating more fruit and vegetables. Even if that just means adding a banana to the RX bar.

“I like snacks that are a satisfying trifecta: protein, fat and fiber,” says London. She also suggests trying peanut butter on whole-wheat toast with fruit or avocado on whole-wheat toast with an egg on top.

In the evenings, London says Ian shouldn’t be afraid of a little sugar, as it could actually be beneficial to his training. She suggests chocolate milk, homemade trail mix made with mixed nuts, chocolate chips and popcorn, or microwaved apples with nut butter and ice cream.

“All of these additives help him consume important nutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, fiber and minerals. They contain a little delicious sweetness for pure enjoyment and won’t derail his fat loss efforts,” explains London.

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If you move a lot, you also have to eat a lot

London adds that it is important that Ian drinks plenty of fluids during his training. He said he could benefit from adding carbohydrate and electrolyte sachets to his water to maintain his glycogen stores.

“I know athletes like Ian are often hesitant to use electrolyte powders that have added carbohydrates. But this is the only way these products can help you stay hydrated and energized during the race.”

London’s biggest concern with Ian’s diet is that he doesn’t eat enough to support his rigorous training program, even though his goal is fat loss. “Ian’s top priority is to eat more but also to eat foods that will help support his rigorous training regime. “After all, he should feel fuller and more energetic in order to achieve his goal of losing body fat in the long term,” says London.

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Ian could also likely benefit from more rest, taking at least one full day of rest each week to allow his muscles to recover and ensuring he gets eight hours of sleep a night, London said.

Ultimately, she says swapping two cardio sessions for strength training helps Ian build muscle, strengthens him for triathlons and reduces the risk of injury from his cardio training.

Read the original article on Business Insider.

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