Six forms of depression identified – Mental illness manifests itself in different biotypes

Neuronal differences: Depression is not the same as depression – there are apparently at least six different subtypes, as researchers have discovered. These biotypes can be identified using brain scans. Because they are based on different functional disorders, not all of them respond to common antidepressants. In the future, brain scans could make diagnosis easier […]

8 mins read

Mental illness as the main cause of occupational disability!

Specialists, therapists and health politicians are sounding the alarm: mental illnesses are increasing throughout Germany. Depression, anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses are not only responsible for increasing work absences, but also responsible for increasing numbers of occupational disabilitiesMental illness can cause immense suffering for those affected and their relatives. But what illnesses are involved, […]

9 mins read

Mental illness: Too little support for students

More and more students are struggling with psychological stress. But colleges and universities are not sufficiently prepared for this. The German Student Union is calling for more advice and support services. Download Audio (4.3 MB | MP3) The number of students with mental disabilities and illnesses increased by 12 percentage points from 2016 to 2021, […]

7 mins read