The right care for the convertible roof
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The right care for the convertible roof

If you want to enjoy your own convertible for a long time, you should care for it regularly. Cars that are exposed to the weather all year round need a fresh treatment for the fabric after a year or two. What should you pay attention to when caring for your canopy?

Nowhere can a lack of care be better recognized than on a convertible roof: regular cleaning and preservation is essential to ensure that the top is not damaged. Especially after winter, a dull veil of dirt covers the convertible tops, the folding roofs become brittle and leak. Opening the roof is also more difficult – because frosty temperatures and dried de-icing salts can damage the seals and mechanics. A convertible roof covering has reached its average life expectancy after around ten years, but with the right treatment and a covered parking space it can easily have a few more. AUTO ZEITUNG explains how it works.
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Convertible care with Leslie & Cars in the video:

Maintain convertible roof regularly

In general, it is advisable to visually inspect the convertible roof regularly. Aggressive contamination such as bird droppings, tree resin or insect excreta can then be removed directly with a damp sponge – this is the only way they can avoid leaving permanent marks on the roof. Stains from tree sap can easily be treated with ice spray and then carefully removed. Convertible drivers should routinely clean the top of their car with a brush with soft natural bristles. The direction of application follows the structure of the material and you should not press too hard. Also: Never fold a fabric top if it is very dirty or damp. Otherwise there is a risk of chafing and mildew stains on the convertible roof.

Can the convertible be cleaned in the car wash?

Washing plastic convertible tops in an automatic system is usually not a problem. To be on the safe side, convertible owners should check their vehicle’s operating instructions for instructions and recommendations. You can often find further tips on caring for the convertible roof there.

The fabric hoods of modern convertibles are of course car wash-safe, but the rotating brushes often cannot completely remove the dirt. The rough textile structures of the tops hold dirt much more strongly than smooth painted surfaces. Owners of convertibles with a fabric top and plastic window should avoid washing programs with hot wax and prefer systems with textile or foam strips to systems with conventional brushes. Some car washes also offer special programs for the gentle cleaning of convertible tops. It is generally better to avoid using a high-pressure cleaner to clean the convertible roof, especially on older models, as the sharp jet could damage the convertible top.

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Clean the convertible top by hand

It is still best to clean convertible roofs gently by hand. After the largest dirt has been removed with a vacuum cleaner, it is best to only use clear, cold water in the first pass and follow up with a brush with soft natural bristles. Warm water would destroy the waterproofing of the top. If wet cleaning doesn’t help with cleaning the convertible roof, you can use special top cleaners, which are available in different compositions for both plastic and fabric tops. The products used should definitely be tailored to the material used. Special cleaners are also available for particularly stubborn dirt. However, these should really only be used if there is no other option and the instructions for use are meticulously followed. Otherwise, in the worst case scenario, the convertible roof will look even more stained after cleaning than before. The use of standard household stain removers is generally not recommended. Soapy solutions and textile detergents, for example, are not suitable for convertible roof care – they can leave stains and permanent fading. The inside of the top also needs some care from time to time. Normal upholstery cleaners are suitable for this.

Convertible roof: Waterproof the top for preservation

After cleaning, the dry fabric hood should be given a protective treatment from time to time. Waterproofing agents make the surface swell and become supple. The fibers then nestle closer together and repel water and dirt. The impregnators also freshen up the colors. Tip: Before spraying, cover the windows with cardboard so that no impregnation coating that is difficult to remove gets on the glass and allow the new impregnation to dry completely before the next wash or the first rain.

The best top cleaners in comparison

There are a number of different top cleaners. It is important for everyone to wash as neutrally as possible and not damage the material. After cleaning, a protective layer is advisable so that the water rolls off again. Some manufacturers therefore offer combination products that are coordinated with each other.

DR. Wack A1 convertible top waterproofer

After thoroughly cleaning the surface, a convertible top impregnator such as the A1 convertible top impregnator from Dr. Wack from environmental influences. To do this, the side and windshield are masked off and the impregnation is sprayed onto the convertible roof using a spray can. Cost: around 16 euros.

Nigrin convertible top cleaner

Nigrin also offers a cleaning agent for convertible roofs, but here it comes in a practical pump bottle. This allows the pre-cleaned roof to be gently sprayed and cleaned with a sponge or brush. The product has a color-refreshing effect and removes even heavy dirt. Cost: around 10 euros for 500 ml.

Sonax convertible set

The Sonax convertible top set includes cleaner, waterproofing agent with UV protection and a sponge. The special cleaner ensures thorough cleaning and removes stubborn dirt. The agent seals dark materials and seals the seams again. Cost: around 37 euros.

Meguiar’s Cabriolet Cleaner

With the product from Meguiar’s, dirt and stubborn stains can be quickly removed without putting unnecessary strain on the fabric. The spray head produces an even spray mist for spot-free application. Cost for the 450 ml bottle: around 21 euros.

Care: Seals and rear window on the convertible roof

It’s not just thorough care of the convertible roof that can help ensure that the top is tight and lasts a long time. The rear window and rubber seals should also be cleaned regularly if convertible drivers want to avoid having to replace them. Dirt collects especially where the top meets the paint and in the roof box. Fine sand and dust often collect in the seals of window frames and windows, which literally has a sandpaper effect on the contact surfaces of the convertible roof. Therefore, these deposits should be removed regularly with a damp, soft cloth.

Silicone or glycerin-based care products also ensure that the rubber seals do not leak and remain nice and supple. The roof frame of the convertible should also be rubbed with such a care product every now and then so that the roof can be opened and closed smoothly in the future. Dirt and leaves that accumulate in the roof box can easily be vacuumed away. For glass panes, convertible owners use a commercially available window cleaner; for tarnished plastic panes, a polish helps.

When should you clean a convertible top?

Convertible tops require intensive care: Depending on how often the car is washed, after just four to five years. If the factory waterproofing wears off, the top needs to be protected again. Because the impregnated yarn and the soft material lose protection due to environmental influences and with every wash. If the moisture has reached the inner roof lining, it is usually too late. The water must roll off the outside for the protection to be correct. With a sponge, a soft brush or a brush with soft bristles and a sparingly applied fabric roof impregnation, the roof will again receive good protection against UV radiation and rain. If fabric roofs are heavily weathered, owners can also color the roof. Tip: Drivers who gently clean the fabric top of their convertible once a year and then impregnate it will not have any problems with leaks.

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